SHIBARMY is back — Here is how we reclaim and exceed former greatness

3 min readMar 5, 2024


Shibarmy is back and ready

$Shibarmy, a reward token built on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), is set to make a comeback in this bull market.

Our mission is simple yet powerful — to provide holders with a percentage of trading volume from our decentralized exchange (DEX) as rewards in the form of Shiba Inu coin, while fostering a strong and engaged community through various events, giveaways, content creation, merchandise, and ensuring the security of our smart contract.

1. Restart Social Media Activity Across All Channels

To kickstart our journey, we will reinvigorate our social media presence across all channels. This includes engaging with the community through regular updates, announcements, and open communication to ensure transparency in every step of Shibarmy’s growth.

2. Engage With The Community In Giveaways And Events

We believe that a strong community is the backbone of any successful project. To foster this bond, we will organize regular giveaways for our holders and participants, offering exclusive rewards such as NFTs, merchandise, or Coins like $SHIB and $SHIBARMY themselves.

Additionally, we will host events like poker games, social media contests, virtual meetups, and other interactive activities to keep the community engaged and informed about our progress, while also expanding the value of our project.

3. Ramp Up The Creation Of Memes And High-Quality Content Representing The Shib Army Brand:

Content is king in the world of cryptocurrency, and we aim to create high-quality content that represents the Shib Army brand effectively. This includes producing engaging memes, informative articles, educational videos, and other creative materials that showcase our unique identity while keeping our community informed and entertained.

By doing so, we will attract new members to join our ranks and strengthen our existing community’s loyalty.

4. Launching A Merch Store:

To further solidify the Shib Army brand and provide a tangible representation of our community, we will launch an official merchandise store in the future. This shop will offer exclusive Shibarmy-branded apparel, accessories, and collectibles for our holders to showcase their pride in being part of this thriving ecosystem.

By doing so, we create a sense of belonging among our members while generating additional revenue streams that can be reinvested into the project’s growth and marketing.

5. Renouncing The Smart Contract:

Renouncing the smart contract is an essential step to ensure the security and longevity of Shibarmy in the future. By doing so, we will relinquish any ownership over the smart contract, making it impossible for our team or anyone else to manipulate token supply, transfer funds, or control the contract’s functionality.

This action demonstrates our commitment to transparency and fairness while minimizing potential risks associated with smart contracts.

Advantages of Renouncing The Smart Contract:

  1. Enhanced Security: By renouncing the smart contract, we eliminate any possibilities for malicious actors or insiders to exploit vulnerabilities in the code, ensuring a more secure environment for our holders and investors.
  2. Fairness And Transparency: This action demonstrates that Shibarmy is committed to maintaining fairness and transparency within its ecosystem, fostering trust among community members and potential newcomers alike.
  3. Decentralization: Renouncing the smart contract further decentralizes our project, as it removes any centralized control over the token’s functionality or supply. This aligns with the core principles of blockchain technology and ensures Shibarmy remains a truly community-driven initiative.
  4. Future-Proofing The Project: By taking this proactive step in securing our smart contract, we are future-proofing Shibarmy against potential regulatory changes or other unforeseen circumstances that may arise within the cryptocurrency landscape.


Shibarmy’s success is built on a foundation of community engagement, transparency, and security.

By restarting our social media activity, engaging with our holders through events and giveaways, ramping up content creation, launching an official merch store, and renouncing the smart contract, we are poised to unleash the power of our reward token on Binance Smart Chain while fostering a strong and loyal community.

Together, we will ride the wave of this bull market and beyond, proving that Shibarmy is more than just another cryptocurrency — it’s a movement fueled by passion, creativity, and unity within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space.

How to buy Shibarmy on Pancakeswap

📌 Token Information:
🔸Ticker: $SHIBARMY
🔸Contract address: 0x940230b6b7ef1979a28f32196a8e3439c645ba49
💥Set slippage to 8%


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$SHIBARMY is audited and vetted token on BSC that pays holders 8% rewards in $SHIB as dividends for holding. SHIBARMY is here to follow SHIBA INU’s footsteps.